The #1
GHOSTS N'AT PAranormal Adventures
Ghosts N’at Paranormal Adventures,LLC is an innovative company that takes you to some of the MOST HAUNTED locations in America for a REAL ghost hunt! Our exclusive signature events are among the highest rated in the industry! You can now book a private event with Ghosts N'at Paranormal Adventures, LLC!
Ghosts N'at Paranormal Adventures was founded in 2015 in response to public demand for access to historic haunted locations for ghost hunts. Brett McGinnis, the company's CEO and co-founder, starred on SyFy Channel's hit TV series "Ghost Hunters Academy" & has also appeared on Travel Channel's "Ghost Nation".
Since the beginning, a goal of Ghosts N'at Paranormal Adventures has been to shine a light on haunted historic locations & provide them with funding to keep them open and operational.
Whether you're looking for a new exciting date night, something interesting to do with some friends; or have seen it on TV & have always wanted to try it - Ghosts N'at Paranormal Adventures is ready to take you on a Paranormal Adventure of your own!

What The Heck is "N'at"!?
Although we produce paranormal events all over the place, we wanted to keep true to our Pittsburgh, PA roots! "N'at" is a Pittsburghese (Pittsburgh's own language) for the phrase "and that".
Other Pittsburghese favorites are: Yinz (You Guys),
Dahntahn (Downtown) & The Stillers (The Pittsburgh Steelers).